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Garden Hedgehog Survey

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If you know already that you have hedgehogs regularly visiting your garden, you can just complete the online survey form to tell us all about them.

If you would like to do a hedgehog survey in your garden, you can do so using a footprint tunnel or a trail camera for 7 nights in a row between the start of May and the end of September. The method is very simple and can be carried out by families, schools and even work places - as long as you have a garden to survey. You can take part in the survey, whether you think you have hedgehogs in your garden or not.


Instructions for making and using a foot print tunnel and surveying with a trail camera can be downloaded from the links below. There is also the link to submit your results via the quick online form.

The survey is now open for the 2024 season. If you are interested in taking part, please email the survey coordinator here 

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Survey with footprint tunnel

You can easily make your own footprint tracking tunnel to survey your garden for hedgehogs.  Download instructions here.

Survey with trail camera

If you have your own trail camera you can use it to survey for hedgehogs. Download instructions here.

Submit survey results 

Note: To access this form, users must have a google account.  This is a security feature for all google forms that allows users to upload files. If you do not have a google account, please email us and we will send a link to a form without upload capabilities which does not require an account

© 2020 by Irish Hedgehog Survey. Photos by Pat Morris, Sarah Regan and Claire Crowley reproduced with permission . Photos by Calle Eklund/V-wolf, Michael Gäbler, Ernell used under creative commons licence CC BY-SA 3.0, and CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Photo 84913712 from used under creative commons zero licence CC0

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